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include "./config.php"; login_chk(); $db = dbconnect(); if(preg_match('/prob|_|\.|\(\)|admin/i', $_GET[id])) exit("No Hack ~_~"); if(preg_match('/prob|_|\.|\(\)|admin/i', $_GET[pw])) exit("No Hack ~_~"); $query = "select id from prob_death where id='{$_GET[id]}' and pw=md5('{$_GET[pw]}')"; echo "query : {$query}"; $result = @mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($db,$query)); if($result[..
이번문제는 드디어 방화벽이 추가 됐다! 구글에 ModSecurity Core Rule Set bypass를 검색하니 바로 아래와 같은 사이트가 나왔다. https://github.com/SpiderLabs/owasp-modsecurity-crs/issues/1181 Bypass the latest CRS v3.1.0 rules of SQL injection · Issue #1181 · SpiderLabs/owasp-modsecurity-crs Type of Issue False Negative Description Per #1167, I wanna raise more FNs in this thread. Before getting into other FNs, I want to give out more in..
include "./config.php"; login_chk(); $db = dbconnect(); if(preg_match('/admin|and|or|if|coalesce|case|_|\.|prob|time/i', $_GET['no'])) exit("No Hack ~_~"); $query = "select id from prob_alien where no={$_GET[no]}"; echo "query : {$query}"; $query2 = "select id from prob_alien where no='{$_GET[no]}'"; echo "query2 : {$query2}"; if($_GET['no']){ $r = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($db,..
include "./config.php"; login_chk(); $db = dbconnect("zombie"); if(preg_match('/rollup|join|ace|@/i', $_GET['pw'])) exit("No Hack ~_~"); $query = "select pw from prob_zombie where pw='{$_GET[pw]}'"; echo "query : {$query}"; $result = @mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($db,$query)); if($result['pw']) echo "Pw : {$result[pw]}"; if(($result['pw']) && ($result['pw'] === $_GET['pw'])) solve("zo..
include "./config.php"; login_chk(); $db = dbconnect(); if(preg_match('/prob|_|\.|rollup|join|@/i', $_GET['pw'])) exit("No Hack ~_~"); $query = "select pw from prob_ouroboros where pw='{$_GET[pw]}'"; echo "query : {$query}"; $result = @mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($db,$query)); if($result['pw']) echo "Pw : {$result[pw]}"; if(($result['pw']) && ($result['pw'] === $_GET['pw'])) solve("o..
좌측 상단에 ip,email 표가 나오고 내가 값을 넣으면 email이 추가가 된다. 123'),(1,IP,email)# 과같은 형식으로 값을 보내도 먹는데 이상하게 select email from prob_phantom where no=1 로 email을 얻어내려해도 안되서 그냥 문제를 검색해보니 같은 테이블이어서 오류가 나는 것이라 한다... 문제를 푸는 것 만 아니라 DB,웹의 문법 부터 더 공부하고 다시 시작해야겠다... https://los.rubiya.kr/chall/phantom_e2e30eaf1c0b3cb61b4b72a932c849fe.php?joinmail=123'), (2,'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx',(select e from (select email as e from prob_ph..